Mind over matter for success. Benefits of exercise is just a placebo.

Mind over matter for success. Benefits of exercise is just a placebo.

You’ve heard of the saying ‘mind over matter’, and you might be wondering just how true is this?


Let’s take a quick look at the facts from Harvard University.


An experiment was conducted by a professor of psychology at Harvard University called the hotel workers experiment


Their aim was to test, if believing the positive benefits of exercise actually changed the benefits realised from the exercise itself. 


But you might be wondering, in scientifically testing this, how do you create a placebo for exercise? How do you find a group of people who were exercising but unaware their exercise was good for them?


They found a group of people who (in reality) were getting a lot of exercise but were completely unaware of it.


These were workers at a particular hotel who were working long days performing housekeeping duties, these people were easily getting well over 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day, which is more than the general population.


You might be shocked at what comes next.


What was interesting was that when asked how much daily exercise they thought they were getting, a third of them reported 0 out of 10 (absolutely no exercise at all!) and the average response was only a 3 out of 10.


What this showed was that the majority of these people carried the mindset that their work was only work and did not count as exercise.


They then randomised the people into 2 groups and had half work as normal and the other half they educated; in that their work was in fact excellent exercise and also informed them of the multitude of benefits that they should be receiving.


The participants all had their physiological metrics measured at the beginning of the experiment which included; body weight, body fat, blood pressure and more.


What they found next will blow your mind…


Four weeks later they measured them again.


They found that both groups of participants showed absolutely no change in their behaviour. However…


The people in the second group experienced reductions in their body weight, decreased their systolic blood pressure by about 10 points on average and they also started feeling better about their bodies and about their work.


So to revisit the question, what’s more important; mind or matter?


The truth is that they are equally important.


But what it teaches us is that failing to foster your child’s mindset (especially from a young age) puts them at an extreme learning disadvantage, and you risk losing so much of their potential.


When you are selecting the best choice for your child’s Selective-Entry preparation, you may find yourself realising it’s incredibly important to consider the education provider that has a focus on developing your child’s learning mindset.


Once you understand this, you might recognise that this is impossible without personalisation and a tailored curriculum.


The reason is because only personalised learning allows your child’s curriculum content and difficulty level to be incrementally adjusted based on their level of improvement. This allows us to strike the perfect balance of continuously challenging your child whilst allowing enough ‘wins’ to maintain motivation levels at the highest point.


When you choose personalised Selective-Entry preparation for your child, you ensure your child always stays challenged and stimulated by course content, guaranteeing that they stay committed to studying because they feel rewarded and they enjoy the learning. It’s equally important that questions aren’t overly difficult, as it ensures your child continues to stay motivated.


The key is balance.


Now that you’ve learned the importance of nurturing your child’s learning mindset, you might find yourself realising that personalised Selective-Entry preparation is the perfect decision to secure your child’s future.

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